私たちは、車いすの語り部として知られる 長崎の被爆者・故・渡辺千恵子さんの遺志を受け継ぎコーラスによる被爆の語り部として「渡辺千恵子」さんの被爆体験を歌い続けています

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合唱と語りによる構成 「平和の旅へ 」- 被爆者・渡辺千恵子の歩み -
Original author: Chieko Watanabe
Producer : Tetsumi Sonoda,
Shinji Matsunaga,
Yasuo Nagano,
Susumu Matsushita
Orchestra Arranger : Jirou Mikami,
Ibuki Horiuchi,
Osamu Yamaguchi
English Translation : Daisuke Nagano
Journey to Peace
ボタンの向こうは冬 (Beyond the Button)
(Beyond the Button)
Beyond the button I see a winter
All I can see is frozen
Can someone tell me when there will be
an end of this winter,
Radioactive winter ?
Beyond the button I see a winter
The frozen are glowing
Even storms are polluted by radioactivity
They bluster upon the surface of the earth
Why are we killing our earth, why are we destroying ourselves
No one can live through nuclear winter
after atomic war.
Beyond the button I see a winter
The sun never rises any more
Low hanging clouds clothe the sky
A radioactive sky
Beyond the button I see a winter
Many deaths, ash showers
Many deaths, ash covers the earth,
along with all living things.
Why are we killing our earth,]
why are we destroying ourselves
We are just approaching the winter
The winter of atomic war.
Why are we killing our earth, why are we destroying ourselves
We are just approaching the winter
The winter of atomic war.
At that time, I was only 16 years old, just a school girl.
Almost everyone from my neighborhood had been conscripted.
I was also working as a factory member at Mitsubishi electronics.
Most young women were now mobilized to work.
On 9 August, at 11 am, I called my boss with my friend to arrange our work. He had been at another section of the factory.
When I looked into the boss's room from the outside of the window,,,
All that we could see was destroyed.
All that we could see was burned.
All that we could see was killed.
Few trees standing showed any indication of life.
We could only see destruction.
After a long faint, I became conscious of my voice calling my brother.
I tried to stand up, but I couldn't.
I was held as if by steel frame, and my body was bent like a shrimp.
My head was stuck to my heel.
I became someone who could not walk, could not sit and could not stand anymore.
Doctors said that I could not survive, that there was no way to cure me.
I laid down at my home in Aburaya-machi, and was waiting for to die.
After some weeks, my loins and legs began to rot. I thought it might be caused by radioactivity.
When I touched my body, my fresh fell away, and bones stuck out through my body
My mother treated me. She disinfected a razor with boiling water and cut off the rotted pieces of my flesh.
My body continued to rot. My mother continued to try.
She had to use all her strength to tear off the rotting pieces of my body with all her force.
To make matters worse, my body temp has continued to be between 37-38 ℃. This has lasted since I was exposed to radiation.
I've also suffered for diarrhea ever since then. I couldn't swallow my meals.
I was always gaunt. I lost both my vigor and strength.
I couldn't clear the phlegm from my throat. I stared death in the face many times.
Nevertheless I pulled through this with the great effort given
to me by my mother and brothers.
In wartime, we've only be able to put on the work pants of war.
Since the end of war, I've only been able to put on the pajamas of it's aftermath.
I was just a girl. Yet I had to withstand such distress.
Ofcource my mother worried about me.
I got angry at small things, got sulky and refused to eat.
It troubled my mother.
苦しみの日々 (suffering days)
(suffering days)
Yasaka street and chatterrig.
I saw them from my sickroom bed
I,m always bed-ridden and wearring night clothes.
They seem to 17 or 18 year old. They are in their
Prime, the same as me.
Mom, you've gave me a hand-stitched blouse
with your love.
But I only said, "I don't want it !"
I threw it away, with my wounded heart.
And as I did it, I also muttered " Mom, sorry."
Yesterday, today and tomorrow, mother
and her daughter have to cry.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow, mother
and her daughter have to cry.
10 years after the bomb, I got a visit from four girls of atomic-bomb (Genbaku-Otome).
It was the beginning of a regular meeting at my house.
And we got a news that the first "World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs" was held at Hiroshima.
We made some effort and we could dispatch two Hibakusha to Hiroshima.
In the conference, the delegates of Hibakusha appeal to the world.
It was the first opportunity.
ナガサキから (From Nagasaki)
(From Nagasaki)
Do you know August Nagasaki ?
Destruction, bloodshed day.
Since then, many seasons passed.
Verdure have grown again and streets
have come back.
But the hurt of my body shall never heal.
So please never repeat that day
of Nagasaki.
It's the only thing that's left
for me to say.
My body's damage can never heal.
So please, never again such a day as
was witnessed in Nagasaki.
This message is the anything that's
left for me.
And then, the second conference was planned to be held at Nagasaki in the next year. I got a request that to appeal to the world at the next
conference, as a delegate for Hibakusha.
But it was unthinkable for me to speak of my experience.
Others can speak about it, but I couldn't.
I've also feared to expose my handicapped body in public. I couldn't to decide to accept this situation or not.
I lost so much sleep over this.
But my mother advised me to accept it positively
娘よ (My daughter)
(My daughter)
My pretty daughter, you were born of me.
Since then, you haven't been able only to stand. You've spent your bloom of youth, without any smiles for such a long time.
But you are expected to tell this story because of your experience.
Tell your story, my daughter.
Throwing caution to the wind, open your heart.
Tell your story, my daughter.
How did you live your days, with so many pains ?
Tell your story, my daughter.
Tell the innermost feelings of your heart.
My pretty daughter, you were born of me.
For long while, you have no friends to talk with,
spent painful days.
And you have despaired of your life.
But you are expected to tell this
7 years ago, a wheelchair made it possible for me to move.
To make it possible, I had to have some operations to sit properly in a wheelchair. These operations were very delicate.
To bend my legs that had become atrophied, my calcaneal tendons had to be cut. To reconfigure my backbone, I had to have 32 stitches in my back.
And also, I had to be trained to move with a wheelchair. The training was a trial too, these things were beyond description
(Journey to Peace)
(Journey to Peace)
Now I can go to the journey of peace.
To tell the truth of Nagasaki,
to tell what I've seen there.
So I go the way of journey of peace.
Since it's the wish I've expected so long.
Since it's the breath of my life
To meet with many friends, many people whom
I've not Yet ever met,
Wish my wheelchair I can go everywhere
To see things I’ve never seen.
To meet wish life, the power of grass roots living
All over the world
I go this way, the journey of peace
I'm going on the journey of peace
I'm going on the journey of peace
It's the breath of my life,
journey to peace.
'm going on the journey of peace
I'm going on the journey of peace
It's the breath of my life,
journey to peace.
On my journey, Nagasaki, I speak of my experiences to many people.
After speaking, they sends me letters about impressions of my experiences.
They don't only say "You're so pitiful" or "Take it easy."
Some young people say, "I'd like to be a person who can act for anti nuclear war and peace". They are very positive, I think.
People say that the young generation is not so good. But don't think so.
Young people give some good replies to my appeal.
And they are the people who will build our future.
So my hope is with them.
And I also act for the abolition of nuclear weapons ASAP, with the young people, as long as I'm alive.
平和の鐘を鳴らそう (Ring the Peace Chime)
(Ring the Peace Chime)
To all young people, (You'll) build the future of the world.
To all mothers, (You'll) bring up new life.
To all aged people, (You) tell your days of life.
To all labors, (You) make the time and tide.
And band together to keep the smile of our children,
to keep the peace of the world.
And bunch all powers of grass-roots together with,
to keep the peace of the world.
Ring the peace chime, ring the peace chime
Now is the time for action against any war
Ring the peace chime, ring the peace chime
To affect all the world, ring the peace chime
To all young people, (You'll) build the future of the world.
To all mothers, (You'll) bring up new breath of life.
To all aged people, (You) tell your days of life.
To all labors, (You) make the time and tide.And
band together to keep the smile of our children,
to keep the peace of the world.
And bunch all powers of grass-roots together with,
to keep the peace of the world.
Ring the peace chime, ring the peace chime
Now is the time for action against any war
Ring the peace chime, ring the peace chime
To affect all the world, ring the peace chime
Ring the peace chime, ring the peace chime
Now is the time for action against any war
Ring the peace chime, ring the peace chime
To affect all the world, ring the peace chime
(We all need peace in the world)
Ring the peace chime, ring the peace chime
Now is the time for action against any war
Ring the peace chime, ring the peace chime
To affect all the world, ring the peace chime
(No more Hiroshima, No more Nagasaki
No more Hiroshima, No more Nagasaki)